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 Fiska hljóð

Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta): Gulf toadfish males have specialized swimbladder muscles that are used to produce the sound known as the 'boatwhistle'.  There are 69 species of toadfishes, and the sounds of only five species are known.

Coral Reef Toadfish (Sanopus astrifer):  This toadfish produces a series of 'boatwhistle' calls in a bout.

Gafftopsail Catfish (Bagre marinus): Sea catfish are mouth-brooders that produce several types of sounds. 

Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus):  Spotted seatrout produce a double-pulsed sound along with a moan-like sound.

Silver Perch (Bairdiella chrysura): Silver perch produce a relatively high-frequency staccato sound.  This recording has the sounds of both silver perch and spotted seatrout, recorded in Pine Island Sound, FL. 
Aggregation of silver perch: So many fish can be calling in an aggregation that individual calls are no longer distinguishable (and it may get so loud that you can hear the sound in air).

Cusk eel (Ophidion marginatum):  The cusk eel has a unique sound production mechanism that involves drumming the swimbladder with a modified vertebrae.  There are 209 species of cusk eels.  This is the only cusk-eel sound that has been identified to the species level.

Domino damselfish (Dascyllus albisella): Damselfish produce a sound while performing a visual swimiming display known as the signal jump.    The sound production mechanism is not known.


Echolocation: Dolphin echolocation clicks are very short duration

Signature Whistles: These signature whistles were recorded at about 1 a.m. in Pine Island Sound, FL.  The sound of silver perch can be heard in the background.

Other sounds

Snapping Shrimp: Snapping shrimp are the largest source of sound in the coastal ocean.  They produce very loud broad-band sounds by snapping their claws and cavitating water.

Boat Noise: Boats are the largest source of non-natural sound in the oceans.  This is the sound of a small motorboat in New Pass, Sarasota.


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©2006 Globalsig./ Sigfús Sig.