Boy and girl, both aged eleven,
Fell in love when they were seven
Neither knew and neither cared
About the love the two had shared
Alas! The day of Prom came,
Both no love, and full of shame
Boy and girl meet in the lot
They fell in love in just a shot
Boy of twenty, girl the same
Carried on the same love game
Finally, boy approached one knee
And asked the girl if she’d marry
Years passed by, exactly two
Enough to think the wedding through
Gown of white, suit of blue
Both aware their love was true
Again went years, but only three
They stand above the new baby
Boy and girl in love yet still
Wished she would have used the pill
Life seemed short in it’s own way
Their child’s up to her grad day
Twenty one years and love’s still strong
They’re love is right, they do belong
Phone rang loudly around noon
A baby would be coming soon
Boy and girl were happily wild
Soon, they’d have a new grandchild
The baby grew so fast it seemed,
Her eyes so bright, her smile beamed
She seemed so perfect, heaven scent
But sadly, grad day came and went.
Boy and girl are old and gray
Life went fast in it’s own way
Sixty is their new age now
They’re both real old, they don’t know how
But, phone call came, this one late
The family had a horrid fate
The love and happiness had lead
To their daughter lying dead
A week passed by; the funeral came
Again the two were filled with shame
The boy and girl were devastated
After church, they sat and waited
Praying went on from the two
They both asked God to love her too
To give her love and treat her well
To lift her up, when she had fell
Granddaughter moved in to help out
She didn’t sob, she didn’t pout
She knows that things will happen wrong,
But even so, her life goes on
Boy and girl for years had cried
After their little girl had died
They didn’t understand at all
Girl could only weep and bawl.
Life crashed after fifty-three
Girl is buried under tree
Boy has lost the love that’s true
He knew his life was now through
Seasons changed and so did he
Granddaughter dead at twenty three
Permanent tears streak his face
He bends his head and says his grace
His family now all lies dead
He holds the gun up to his head
A bullet spit out, down he lay
He’d see the girl again today
Life flew by too fast…too slow
Only room for love to grow
Lots had happened since eleven
Both of them now joined in Heaven

