Hey little angel - meet
the devil in me
You bring out the good and the bad in me.
One who'd like to hold you - protect you from sin
The other wants you to let me in.
So if you want to sell your soul tonight
to the devil in me - you're doing right.
But if you want to cuddle and be real cute
You better cover up - you better turn those brown eyes blue.
Hey little angel - meet the devil in me
You're the cutest little angel - I've ever seen
I've been around since I don't know when
But you have only started - playin' with men.
So if you want to give me your body to night
You better be sure - You're doing it right
Just keep on wiggling that cute little ass
I got to get out - I got to get out of here fast.
And I'm not sure - what you are doing it for
that thing on the floor
You better watch out - the kettle's gonna blow
And hit you right between the eyes..!
Hey little angel - meet the devil in me
And I'm not sure - what you are doing it for

