Daddy's been a
back-row Baptist,
With his share of front-row sin.
His Saturday night still on his breathe,
Every Sunday when he'd walk in.
He's never led the Benediction,
He's never sang in the choir.
But he's an angel with no halo,
An' one wing in the fire.
Mamma lives by the Bible,
The Bible lives by the bed.
An' she's lied alone so many nights,
With scriptures in her head.
Prayin': "Good Lord, just be with him,
"I know his Faith is tired,
"But he's an angel with no halo,
"An' one wing in the fire."
"An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
"An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
"But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would
come true:
"Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you."
Dady's always been there for me,
From T-Ball to touchdowns.
Fixed my car an' fixed my heart,
When they've been broken down.
I know he calls for more forgiveness,
Than most folks do require,
But he's an angel with no halo,
An' one wing in the fire.
An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would
come true:
Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you.
Well, I just can't imagine,
What Heaven might be like.
If me an' Mamma make it,
Wiithout Daddy by our side.
Lord, could you please remember,
When it's time to call us higher:
That he's an angel with no halo,
An' one wing in the fire.