Aftur á Bangsímon

Gaman og alvara - Partners/Globalsig/SigfúsSig.

Íkorninn og fíllinn Haffalump

Íkornin í Bangsímon ćvitýrunum kemur frekar lítiđ fyrir, og virđist vera hálfgert ađskotadýr ţar, sennilega var hann upphaflega ekki í ćvintýri Christophers en fíllinn Haffalump hinsvegar allmikiđ.






(Amerískur íkorni)


Pooh's 100 Acre Woods Borders













Disney soundtrack

Heffalumps And Woozles


They're black, they're brown
they're up, they're down
they're in, they're out
they're all about
they're far, they're near
they're gone, they're here
they're quick and slick
they're insincere

Beware, Beware
Be a very wary bear

A heffalump or woozle
is very confuzle
a heffalump or woozle's very sly, sly, sly, sly
They come in ones and twoozles
but if they so choozles
before your eyes you'll see them multiply, ply, ply, ply

They're extraordinary, so better bewary
because they come in every shape and size, size, size, size
If honey's what you covet
you'll find that they love it
because they'll guzzle up the thing you prize!

Beware, Beware
be a very wary bear

They're extraordinary
so better bewary
because they come in every shape and size, size, size, size
if honey's what you covet
you'll find that they love it
because they'll guzzle up the thing you prize!

they're black, they're brown
they're up, they're down
they're in, they're out
they're all about
they're far, they're near
they're gone, they're hear
they're quick and slick
they're insincere


SigfúsSig. Iceland@Internet.isSigfúsSig. Iceland@Internet.isSigfúsSig. SigfúsSig.©2006 Sigfús Sig.