Gifsun í desember 2006

(Seinna sinnið á árinu.)

(ATH: síðan er hönnuð fyrir

19" skjái eða stærri)

Ég fer ávallt tvisvar á ári í Bodox sprautur í kálfa og læri, og síðan eru báðir fætur settir í gifs í 10 daga,,,, ALGER pína, það vill svo vel til að Þórir í Stoð er MJÖG fær maður og besti vinur minn,og Björg sjúkraþjálfarinn minn sem yfirleitt er með honum er ekki minni snillingur, kannski á öðru sviði.













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Big Big World


Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I too too will miss you much

Miss you much...


I can see the first leaf falling

Its all yellow and nice

Its so very cold outside

Like the way Im feeling inside


Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I too too will miss you much

Miss you much...

Outside its now raining

And tears are falling from my eyes

Why did it have to happen

Why did it all have to end


Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I too too will miss you much

Miss you much...


I have your arms around me ooooh like fire

But when I open my eyes

Youre gone...


Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I too too will miss you much

Miss you much...


Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do feel I will miss you much

Miss you much...
