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xx Ted Nugent Cat Scratch Fever Well I don't know where they come from But they sure do come I hope they comin' for me And I don't know how they do it But they sure do it good I hope they doin' it for free They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever The first time that I got it I was just ten years old I got it from some kitty next foor I went and see the Dr. and He gave me the cure I think I got it some more They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever It's nothin dangerous I feel no pain I've got to ch-ch-change You know you got it when you're going insane It makes a grown man cryin' cryin' Won't you make my bed I make the pussy purr with The stroke of my hand They know they gettin' it from me They know just where to go When they need their lovin man They know I do it for free They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever Meira hér
Ted Nugent
Cat Scratch Fever
Well I don't know where they come from But they sure do come I hope they comin' for me And I don't know how they do it But they sure do it good I hope they doin' it for free They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever The first time that I got it I was just ten years old I got it from some kitty next foor I went and see the Dr. and He gave me the cure I think I got it some more They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever It's nothin dangerous I feel no pain I've got to ch-ch-change You know you got it when you're going insane It makes a grown man cryin' cryin' Won't you make my bed I make the pussy purr with The stroke of my hand They know they gettin' it from me They know just where to go When they need their lovin man They know I do it for free They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever
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Sigfús Sig. Iceland@Internet.is